Jay Calvin Pringle

Missing Since: April 19, 1977
Missing From: Medford, Oregon

Jay Calvin Pringle
Jay Calvin Pringle
Jay Calvin Pringle aged to 55 yearsAged to 55 years

  • Classification: Endangered Missing
  • Date of Birth: July 2, 1959
  • Age Missing: 17
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 150 lbs.
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Caucasian
Identifying Characteristics:

He has scars above his left eye, on his left elbow, on his left calf, and on his knees. He frequently wears headbands. He wears gold rimless glasses.


An army jacket, pants, shoes, and a blue handkerchief tied around his head. He may have been carrying a suitcase and a brown and green wool blanket.


Pringle lived in Medford, Oregon in 1977. He traveled to California in April of that year, and some friends saw him in Los Angeles. A friend allegedly traveled with him to Gardena, California and said he last saw Pringle on April 19. He has never been seen again.

Investigating Agencies:
  • Jackson County Sheriff's Office: 1-541-774-8333
  • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children: 1-800-843-5678
Case Numbers:
  • Police Case #: 77-1993
  • NCIC Case #: M-013223977
  • NCMEC Case #: 1133094

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