Karen Jo Smith

Missing Since: December 27, 2000
Missing From: Indianapolis, Indiana

Karen Jo Smith
Karen Jo Smith
Karen Jo Smith
Karen Jo Smith
Karen Jo Smith

  • Classification: Endangered Missing
  • Date of Birth: October 12, 1965
  • Age Missing: 35
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Height: 4'11"
  • Weight: 148 lbs.
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Caucasian
  • Alias/Nickname: Karen Jo Bishop
Identifying Characteristics:

She has scars on her left foot, her abdomen, and her left knee. She wore a retainer on her lower teeth and has a wide gap between her upper front teeth. Her right index finger was severed and reattached. She walks with a limp due to a cleft foot. One of her ankles is reconstructed. She has four piercings in her left ear and two in her right ear.


Blue jeans and a gray Indiana University sweatshirt, white socks, and possibly wearing a black hooded thigh-length leather coat with a gold satin lining. She was also wearing a pink marquise ring with a gold stripe across the stone and a gold ring with 17 diamonds on a cross band. A similar ring is pictured.

A ring similar to the one Karen Jo Smith was wearing


Karen Jo was last seen at 10:30 p.m. on December 27, 2000, at her residence near the 800 block of Weghorst Street. She has never been seen again.

Investigating Agencies:
  • Indianapolis Police Department: 1-317-327-6160
Case Numbers:
  • Police Case #: I00116106
  • NCIC Case #: M-771256476

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