April Nicole Williams

Missing Since: December 3, 1983
Missing From: Washington, DC

April Nicole Williams
April Nicole Williams aged to 37 yearsAged to 37 years

  • Classification: Non-Family Abduction
  • Date of Birth: August 17, 1983
  • Age Missing: Three Months
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Height: 2'0"
  • Weight: 11 lbs.
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Black
  • Alias/Nickname: Niki
Identifying Characteristics:

April has a birthmark on her right wrist.


A blue sleeper with a red number 1 on the left side of the front and a pink and white hooded snowsuit.


April was last seen with her mother on December 3, 1983 when they were at a Trailways bus station. A woman asked to hold April and walked towards a restaurant. She never returned. The unknown female may go by the name Latoya. She stood at 5'3" and had red braids. She may look similar to the photo shown below.

April Williams abductor

Investigating Agencies:
  • Metropolitan Police Department: 1-202-727-9099
  • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children: 1-800-843-5678
Case Numbers:
  • Police Case #: 568245
  • NCMEC Case #: 708557

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